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5-Gallon Kit
We've done it!
We've been contacted several times in the past few years about the possibility of designing a 5-Gallon Small Particle Colloidal Silver Production Kit.
We've heard from individuals who successfully produce and retail / wholesale colloidal silver. We've heard from ranchers, farmers, horse breeders. And we've also heard from supplement manufacturers, asking if the design of an in-house production kit this large is possible. These customers need to produce a large volume of colloidal silver in a relatively short amount of time.
So it was time to get busy! We spent several months generating this design. And we're making it available to our customers now.
This kit will produce 1nm to 2nm nanoparticle colloidal silver. As evidenced before in all our kits, the colloidal silver produced with our methods is of the highest quality, stable over time, enormously effective, and extremely safe.
Please contact us for parts per million (ppm) production times.
This kit is ideal for production use.
Did you know?
The colloidal silver produced with our methods is so stable
that you are able to dilute stronger colloidal silver
without affecting quality, stability or efficacy,
and still retain a long shelf life.
Making stronger colloidal silver during production can be diluted
providing you with a larger volume of end product.
Yes. Colloidal silver produced with our methods can be diluted with distilled water in a simple ratio process. For example, if you wish to ultimately sell 20ppm colloidal silver, you could simply produce 40ppm colloidal silver for 16 hours with this kit. This will provide you with 5 gallons of 40ppm colloidal silver. Then, dilute your colloidal silver with 5 gallons of steam distilled water in a 1:1 ratio, which will provide you with 10 gallons of 20ppm product, ready for packaging and sale. (Additional details regarding ppm and production times are listed in the instruction sheets which come with the kit.)
Contents of the 5-Gallon Kit:
* 5-gallon production jar
* Specially designed Silva-Cap production jar cap
* (4) 10g 99.95% specially designed pure silver production rods
* (2) Rigid lab-rated PVC tubes to support the air pump tubes
* High-capacity air pump water agitator with silicone air tubes
* (2) Power supplies with power strip
* Siphon stick to move product out of jar following production
* Complete instruction guidelines
This kit is simple to use, simple to set up and simple to maintain.
We feel this kit is conservatively priced such that you could conceivably pay for this initial investment with your first production run! (This estimate is based on producing 40ppm colloidal silver for 16 hours and diluting it with a 1:1 ratio, ending with 10 gallons of product. If you retailed your product at $20 per quart [a rather low retail price given the quality of the product] your gross sales would be $800.) Add to this the fact that this kit utilizes 10g rods, which will provide you with an extended production life for many more production batches.
So, are you ready to make the move into high-volume production of colloidal silver?
We hope so, and we're ready to help you take that step!
* Please be in touch if you have questions.
* Please allow 2-5 business days lead-time prior to shipping. These kits are produced when we are notified of your purchase.
Your order will ship via UPS. Please be sure that you are providing a physical address at checkout for accurate and timely delivery. You will receive a shipping notice with tracking information from UPS when your order is shipped. Thank you!
The 5-Gallon Kit: $890
Additional set of (4) 10g 99.95% Pure Silver Rods built exclusively for our 5-Gallon Kit
(suggested if you are planning continuous colloidal silver production)
Additional Set of Rods: $395
Thank you for your purchase!
Our efforts at "Colloidal Silver How-To" are to provide the means to produce colloidal silver at home to as many people as we have the opportunity, as safely, effectively and economically as possible.
We hope you will pass this site on to your friends and loved ones.
And please contact us if you have any questions.