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Frequently Asked Questions

Over the years, I've received many questions relating to our process, to your personal process, to other production methods and to placing orders.


The list became so long and disjointed that I decided to break the FAQS into categories so that it would be easier for you to get your answer, and get my feedback on issues regarding home colloidal silver production.


To make things simpler for you, then, here are specific FAQS pages relating to your own questions. And as always, if you have questions you do not find here, drop me a line and I will work to get you an answer and/or my feedback as soon as I can:


Thank you again for visiting our website! And we hope to see you again in the future.


Many blessings!


FAQS: Production

This is our original FAQ page describing our production process, sharing lab results from the testing of the colloidal silver with our method, and general questions about the nature of using our home colloidal silver kits.


FAQS: Your Production

This page sets forth the many questions I receive regarding your experience in using our kits, questions arising during production, consuming colloidal silver, the type of water to use, etc.


FAQS: Other Production Methods

I get a lot of questions regarding other methods of producing colloidal silver at home, and assertions from these other sites that conflict or counter the facts presented on this website. I am providing my feedback on these issues. These are my opinions based on the results of our production methods and my experience over the years.


FAQS: Ordering

These are questions I have received regarding placing orders, international shipping, etc.


Thank you again for finding us!
We hope you will find answers to your questions here.
If not, please reach out: (email)
870-480-9700 (text)


© 2023 Healthy Planet Online, LLC


Healthy Planet Online, LLC
873 County Road 426
Berryville, Arkansas  72616
870-480-9700 (the BEST way to reach us!)

Disclaimer: "Colloidal Silver How-To" makes no claims whatsoever on this website as to specific health benefits and/or cures through use of a colloidal silver generator, nor through the consumption of colloidal silver. Nothing in this website nor by Healthy Planet Online, LLC, nor its affiliated websites, is to be even remotely construed as to be asserting any claims whatsoever with regard to health and the use of a colloidal silver generator to produce colloidal silver.


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